


一個文章守護者突出了《期刊》中的特刊能源經濟學通過斯坦福能源建模論壇項目進行的碳稅型建模研究。該問題包括概述結果由布萊恩·默裏(Brian Murray)杜克大學能源倡議尼古拉斯beplay官网体環境政策解決方案和一篇文章尼古拉斯研究所腎髒研究經濟學家對市場趨勢和發電成本的碳稅含義馬丁·羅斯。Comparison of the modeling studies’ results revealed similar conclusions: that a carbon tax is effective at reducing carbon pollution, although the structure of the tax and rate at which it rises are important, and that a revenue-neutral carbon tax would have a modest impact on gross domestic product. Even the most ambitious carbon tax was found to be consistent with long-term positive economic growth.