為了減少溫室氣體排放,一些組織建議美國考慮征收碳排放稅。但該國能否實現具體的排放目標尚不確定,因為經濟對這種稅收的反應是不確定的。最終,在排放的確定性與價格和成本的確定性之間存在著一種潛在的權衡。為了減少稅收能否實現特定排放目標的不確定性,如果排放量超過目標一定數量,可以要求采取額外的緩解措施。然而,這種額外措施帶來了成本的不確定性。在極端情況下,不惜一切代價實現排放目標的承諾將意味著成本可能相當高。在當前的幾個總量控製與交易計劃下,有關提高價格和成本確定性的政策機製的討論遇到了同樣的困境:在成本的相互不確定性下,排放結果的不確定性在多大程度上是可以接受的?從一個稍微不同的角度來看,平衡排放和成本不確定性的機製可以被視為一種在經濟利益和環境利益之間構建更謹慎妥協的方式。本政策簡報討論了在征收碳排放稅的情況下可能增加排放確定性的機製。它來源於作者和其他政策專家最近的討論,其目的是為進一步探索提出一些想法。 It begins with a discussion of how to measure emissions performance, or what it means to be achieving or not achieving an emissions goal. This performance would presumably provide the basis for pursuing remedial mechanisms. Next, the brief turns to a taxonomy of such mechanisms and the challenges and opportunities of each. It discusses ideas for initiating these mechanisms, either through some automated or discretionary procedure. The brief concludes with areas for additional research. The brief intentionally raises more questions than it answers—questions will be important to explore in ways that can provide guidance to policy decisions and design.