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阿斯彭學院對話係列的該報告闡明了國家政策框架的願景,該框架涉及增加水數據和信息整合以支持可持續水管理的機構障礙。在美國,缺乏管理水供應和尋求創新的解決方案來應對水管理挑戰的數據,或者不采用容易訪問或可以理解的格式,並且通常會有強烈的抑製,恐懼和對共享數據的擔憂。為了應對這一挑戰,阿斯彭學院的能源與環境計劃與尼古拉斯環境政策解決方案與雷德斯通戰略小組合作召集了阿斯彭研究所水數據對話係列。beplay官网体The report highlights the dialogue’s principle-based blueprint recommending a three-step plan to design and launch an “Internet of Water”—a network of interconnected data producers, hubs, and users—that will enable real-time collection and transmission of water-related data and information—a prerequisite for revolutionizing how water resources are managed and situated to address prevalent water problems such as extreme flooding, scarcity, and contamination as well as for restoring aquatic systems. The report makes three key findings: (1) the value of open, shared, and integrated water data has not been widely quantified, documented, or communicated; (2) the most necessary step in using water data for sustainability is making public water data open by default, discoverable, and digitally accessible; and (3) water data could be most effectively integrated through an internet of water. The report recommends facilitation of open water data, integration of existing public water data and development of tools to connect data producers and users as well as regional-data-sharing communities that can address near-term water management problems for key sectors.