各種各樣的激勵計劃和市場出現土地所有者支付生態係統服務——健康的生態係統提供的好處,比如水過濾,生物多樣性,棲息地的保護,和碳封存。這引發了質疑地主可以接收多個支付生態係統服務生成相同的包裹的土地,這種做法被稱為“疊加”。This paper outlines the different types of ecosystem service credits that can be stacked, and introduces a conceptual framework that can help policy makers and project developers determine whether a stacked project is meeting the objective of replacing or enhancing ecosystem services. It also identifies three specific circumstances in which stacking can lead to a negative outcome for ecosystem services and puts forward specific policy proposals to address these issues.