小規模漁業正在成為一個全球的社會和環境問題。海洋小規模漁業對全球糧食安全的貢獻和沿海生計,加上他們麵臨的重大挑戰,吸引了越來越多的關注和援助來自環保組織、慈善基金會,多邊機構在最近幾十年。我們研究參加世界銀行(World Bank)的替代作用,最大的個人資助者塑造現在和未來的可持續性沿海海洋地區,作為一個關鍵演員塑造全球環境治理範式。我們問如何融資部門改變了過去50年,為什麼,概述了不同模式的小規模漁業援助和潛在的幹預模式。我們一些援助模式的定量分析與定性訪談數據隨著時間的推移,與銀行工作人員,確定潛在的範式轉換是受內部和外部因素。超過24.8億美元被世界銀行分配海洋漁業在過去50年裏,大約有47%(約11.7億美元)針對海洋小規模漁業。三個不同的資金周期識別:支持社保基金上漲從1970年代到1980年代中期;急劇下降的資金在1980年代中後期和低水平的資金在整個1990年代;和一個穩定的回到資金社保基金在2000年代中期至今。隨著時間的推移,世行資助的幹預從純經濟發展在早期時代,強調治理和多維環境目標在最近時期。 To understand why, we used key-informant interviews to unpack major internal drivers: internal staff changes and presence of key individuals, the decentralization and recentralization of decision-making, and the organization’s shifting emphasis from traditional economic growth to multi-dimensional objectives of poverty reduction, among others. External drivers behind funding and paradigm shifts included pressure from the environmental movement, the rise of sustainable development discourses, key global environmental summits in the 1990s, and rising levels of interest in the fisheries sector by the governments of both donor and recipient countries. Processes of ‘paradigm shifts’ were not swift or singular, rather they were affected by multiple, convergent factors over time. Our findings contribute to the literature on multi-lateral institutions as key actors in environmental governance shaping global development thinking, illustrating the arc of the last half-century of fisheries aid at the Bank while highlighting present dilemmas and future challenges that actors interested in working towards sustainable marine small-scale fisheries face.